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Department of Government Ethics

Functions & Responsibilities

Promotion of the ministry's ethical governance and solicitation for public participation.

Drafting, promoting, and enforcing the ministry's anti-corruption laws and regulations and preventive measures.

Drafting, coordinating, and promoting the ministry's integrity reform proposals.

Property declaration, avoidance of conflict of interest, and integrity-related affairs of staff of the ministry.

Handling of corruption and unlawful activities related to the ministry.

Investigation of activities with risks of corruption and malfeasance.

Handling and coordinating the maintenance of official secrets of the ministry.

Handling and coordinating the ministry's security maintenance.

Other matters related to government integrity.

Highlights of Reorganization

Integrity is the core value of the government, and corruption can undermine the government's reputation. In line with the reorganization, we will continue to promote ethical governance efforts in the future, embodying the values of environmental protection, integrity, and care for the Earth.

Summary of Services

The department is in charge of integrity-related affairs in the ministry.

Contact Numbers

For general inquiries, please contact us at (02)2311-7722, ext 2221.

To report a violation of integrity, please call 02-23118232.

Ministry of Environment