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Environmental Management Administration

Functions & Responsibilities

Planning, coordination, promotion, implementation, and supervision of policies, laws, and regulations related to environmental management.

Planning, coordination, promotion, implementation, and supervision of policies, laws, and regulations related to general waste disposal.

Planning, coordination, promotion, implementation, and supervision of policies, laws, and regulations related to environmental hygiene and environmental enhancement.

Planning, coordination, promotion, implementation, and supervision of policies, laws, and regulations related to soil and groundwater pollution control.

Formulation, coordination, promotion, implementation, and supervision of strategies related to environmental law enforcement.

Planning, management, coordination, implementation, and supervision of general waste treatment facilities.

Planning, coordination, promotion, implementation, and supervision of emergency response to environmental pollution and environmental recovery of natural disasters.

Promotion and supervision of environmental impact assessment documents and assessment conclusions.

Handling the revenues and expenditures, safekeeping, and utilization of the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Fund.

Other matters related to environmental management.

Highlights of Reorganization

The Environmental Management Administration is in charge of introducing the concept of regional environmental governance, promoting smart management of digital technology, enhancing proper waste disposal, integrating authorities of policy and legal enforcement, helping to build high-quality habitable cities, implements human-centered hygiene and health care, and ensuring sustainable management of soil and water resources.

Summary of Services

Supervising the implementation of environmental protection in special municipalities, counties, and county-administered cities.

Contact Numbers

Please contact during office hours at (04)2252-1718, and you will be redirected to the department responsible for your inquiries.

Environmental Management Administration

Ministry of Environment