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Minister of Environment Visits KPEx Supersite and Interacts with NASA Scientists and Senior High Students

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Minister of Environment Shieu Fuh-Sheng visited the supersite of the international cooperation project involving 3D air pollutants between the Ministry of Environment (MOENV) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) of the U.S. today (March 29). The station has been set up and operated at National Feng-Shan Senior High School to ascertain the changes in air pollutants in the Kao-Ping area since February 15, 2024. NASA scientists including Dr. Si-Chee Tsay, Dr. Christina N. Hsu, and Dr. Alexander Marshak, as well as other scholars who participated in the experiments explained the functions of the instruments of the station on-site. The MOENV presented a plaque of appreciation to the NASA scientists for their long-term assistance to Taiwan. They interacted with the students of National Feng-Shan Senior High School and aroused their enthusiasm for learning about science. In order to continue improving Taiwan's air quality, the MOENV encouraged all participants in this project to identify sources of air pollution and provide information on control strategies by analyzing the measurement data gathered through international cooperation.

The MOENV and NASA worked together to organize two sessions of "remote dialogues with NASA scientists" for students on March 20 and 21. More than 1,000 senior high school students and nearly 200 undergraduate students attended them. Today (March 29), Minister Shieu and three NASA scientists talked face-to-face with the students at the National Feng-Shan Senior High School about the air environment and climate change. The topics included NASA scientists’ research and work. The MOENV invited the students to participate in the dialogue to broaden their international perspectives and to nurture future international talents for Taiwan.

The MOENV indicates that Dr. Si-Chee Tsay has received many awards for his achievements, including the NASA Outstanding Leadership Medal, and is the deputy project scientist of NASA's Earth Observing System's (EOS) Terra satellite. He is a world leading expert in calibrating radiation with satellites and air pollutant retrievals. Dr. Christina N. Hsu is the deputy project scientist of the Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (Suomi-NPP) project. She focuses on the properties of aerosols in both the UV and visible spectra and determination of the radiative forcing due to tropospheric aerosols. Dr. Alexander Marshak is the deputy project scientist for the Deep Space Climate Observatory (DSCOVR) satellite mission. He conducts research on remote sensing of clouds, aerosols and blowing snow, on cloud-aerosol interaction, and on many aspects of atmospheric radiative transfer. These three experts have contributed greatly to the collaboration between the MOENV and NASA. The two agencies have been cooperating for a long time on their 7 South East Asian Studies (7-SEAS) project, which will initiate an international simultaneous experiment, Asia-AQ, in 2025. KPEx will serve as the first model of the Asia-AQ project.

Ministry of Environment