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Environmental impact assessment and environmental education promotion

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(1) During April, the EPA held two EIA review committee meetings, one special task group meeting to collect opinions, and 13 preliminary review meetings. A total of 12 development projects were jointly explained and determined whether to undergo EIA. Six projects were approved to modify their EIA documents, while one was rejected. All were based on the Environmental Impact Assessment Enforcement Rules (環境影響評估法施行細則) Article 36, paragraph 2.

(2) The 2020-2021 Caring for the Environment Design Competition was held on 13 April. EPA Deputy Minister Hung-Teh Tsai was the award presenter with Bo Mønsted, Director of the Trade Council of Denmark, in attendance. The first prize went to the TWIST Folding Cup, the second to the Pyupack Environmental System for Urban Beekeeping and Greenhouse Pollination, and the third to the Marine Waste Styrofoam Recycling and Reused. Five awards were also given for excellent designs. Winning works from the competition will be on display in northern and southern Taiwan: at Songshan Cultural and Creative Park Warehouse No. 4 in Taipei from 13 to 15 April, and the National Science and Technology Museum in Kaohsiung from 22 to 27 April.

Excerpt from Major Environmental Policies, Apr 2021

Ministry of Environment