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Making Night Markets Greener

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The temporary halt to garbage collection during long holidays often result in litter and unsanitary environment in night markets. To avoid such occurrence, the EPA has called on local environmental authorities to target market nights, particularly where and when crowds gather, and coordinate managing units to collect garbage and maintain environmental quality. Other than integration of resources to help make night markets better, the Green Night Market Promotion Guidebook was published on 26 December 2022, with all local environmental bureaus to continue their efforts to improve night markets.

The EPA further noted that during the past three years, local environmental bureaus had been subsidized to assist enterprises to phase out disposable utensils by switching to reusable utensils for indoor dining, offering discounts to those bringing their own containers, and providing rental service for reusable containers. Other measures include installing garbage bins for waste separation, enhancing recycling, helping stalls that sell fried foods install oil and smoke control facilities as well as waste oil and wastewater interceptors, as well as keeping public restrooms clean. The environmental bureaus then nominated night markets with outstanding performance in adopting the five major measures mentioned above. Via a public voting as well as rating done by anonymous shoppers, last year Kenting Night Market in Pingtung, Fu-Hwa Night Market in Tainan, Dong-Da-Min Night Market in Hualien, and Luotung Night Market in Yilan were chosen as the most environmentally friendly. Having spent three years carrying out the task of night market improvement, the EPA then on 26 December 2022 published the Green Night Market Promotion Guidebook, which compiles all the methods and measures carried out to achieve such results. The guidebook is provided to competent authorities, environmental bureaus, and night markets’ administrative organizations as a reference.

Excerpt from Major Environmental Policies, February 2023
Ministry of Environment