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List of Members of the First EIA Review Committee Announced

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The MOENV has released the list of the first environmental impact assessment (EIA) review committee members. This committee includes a total of 14 experts and scholars with expertise in three major areas: living environment, natural environment, and social environment. Additionally, there are seven government representatives. The committee consists of nine female members and twelve male members (as shown in the table).

The selection of experts and scholars for the committee was conducted through an open recommendation process from late May to early June this year. The selection committee then compiled a list of candidates, which was subsequently approved and appointed by the MOENV Minister. EIA is a multidisciplinary field, and due to the limited number of experts in specific areas and restrictions on the committee's size, it is not always possible to cover all environmental aspects. As the central authority responsible for environmental governance in Taiwan, the MOENV prioritizes the appointment of expert and scholar committee members in the three major environmental domains based on its mandate for environmental protection.

As for other specialized fields, when the MOENV reviews EIA cases during the initial review phase of project teams, it may invite one to three experts or scholars from relevant professional domains to participate in the review based on the specific content and the location of the development activities. This approach helps incorporate perspectives from different fields into the EIA review process for better environmental oversight.

To improve the efficiency of reviews, the Executive Yuan has instructed all government agencies to follow the principle of parallel processing when conducting reviews in accordance with their respective governing regulations. This is aimed to avoid redundant reviews. Therefore, during an EIA review, when development activities involve matters falling under the jurisdiction of other government agencies (such as urban planning, land acquisition, wildlife conservation, cultural heritage, etc.), the relevant government agencies are requested to provide their input during the EIA review meetings. And the majority of government agencies have established review mechanisms for matters related to their respective responsibilities.

EIA is a scientific and objective investigation and evaluation process. The MOENV and the EIA review committee are determined to adhere to the principles of fairness, objectivity, and professionalism in conducting EIA reviews. This is done to uphold the principle of prevention to ensure sustainable development while safeguarding the environment of Taiwan.

Members of the 1st Environmental Impact Assessment Review Committee of the MOENV

(Term: 1 September 2023 to 31 August 2025)

Name                         Current Position

Shieu Fuh-sheng       Minister of the MOENV

Yeh Chun-hung         Deputy Minister of the MOENV

Yu Chien-hwa            Deputy Minister of the National Development Council

Chang Yung-ming      Secretary General of the Ministry of Health and Welfare

Fan Mei-ling              Secretary General of the Ministry of Agriculture

Hsu Tseng-ju              Director General, Department of Academia-Industry Collaboration and Science Park Affairs, National Science and Technology Council

Hsu Yen-hsing            Deputy Director-General, National Land Management Agency, Ministry of the Interior

Chiang Kung-yuh       Adjunct Professor, Graduate Institute of Environmental Engineering, National Central University

Wu Yee-lin                 Professor, Department of Environmental Engineering, National Cheng Kung University

Kuan Wen-hui           Professor, Department of Safety, Health and Environmental Engineering, Meng Chi University of Technology

Chiou Chyi-rong        Associate Professor, School of Forestry and Resource Conservation, National Taiwan University

Hou Chia-hung          Professor, Graduate Institute of Environmental Engineering, National Taiwan University

Chang Chiung-fen     Professor, Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tunghai University

Chen Mei-lien           Adjunct Professor, Institute of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University>

Chen I-shiung            Professor, Institute of Marine Biology, National Taiwan Ocean University

Chen Yue-wen           Professor, Department of Biotechnology and Animal

Science, National Ilan University

Feng Cheng-min        Professor Emeritus, Department of Transportation & Logistics Management, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University

Huang Chihpin          Tenured Professor, Institute of Environmental Engineering, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University

Liu Hsiao-lan             Part-time Professor, Department of Land Economics,

National Chengchi University

Liou Ya-hsuan            Professor, Department of Geosciences, National Taiwan


Chiueh Pei-te      Professor, Graduate Institute of Environmental Engineering,

National Taiwan University

Excerpt from Major Environmental Policies, September 2023

Ministry of Environment