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Revisions Preannounced for Standards for Determining Scope of EIAs

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The EPA evaluated the current environmental impact assessment (EIA) system, having planned short-, middle-, and long-term enhancement strategies. For the short-term strategy, the EPA aims to establish a clear and efficient EIA system by drafting revisions for various sub-laws, including the Standards for Determining Specific Items and Scope of Environmental Impact Assessments for Development Activities (開發行為應實施環境影響評估細目及範圍認定標準).

Revisions have taken into consideration suggestions from various agencies, announcements and previous amendments to relevant regulations, as well as reviews of questions that arose from actual practice. The following are the key points of the revisions:

  • Exemption from an EIA may be granted in the event of maintenance dredging done to ensure safe passage of vesses and continue normal port and harbor operations.
  • For desaination plants, if approved by the industry competent authority, exemption from an EIA is granted for construction or capacity expansion as these are deemed temporary measures against drought.

  • Regarding EIAs, the revisions tighten reguations concerning the distance required between wind turbines and the closest structures.

  • For mixed industria/commercial districts or large shopping centers, and venues for exhibitions, expos, or displays, determination standards are changed based on the overall size of developed areas. Also, EIAs are required for activities in reservoir watersheds.

  • Under the revisions, EIAs are required for cabe car installations.

  • The revision adds that EIAs are mandated for national space launch centers established according to the Space Development Act (太空發展法).

Excerpt from Major Environmental Policies, May 2022

Ministry of Environment