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Lithium Battery Cells Over 1 Kilogram to Be Regulated

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Under the Net-Zero Transition policy, the development of electric vehicles and energy storage systems is rapidly accelerating. In response to the use of secondary lithium batteries with single cells weighing over 1 kilogram as an energy source, considering their nature is no different from the currently regulated and recycled secondary lithium batteries, the EPA preannounced an amendment to Table 1 of the Scopes for the Articles and the Packaging and Containers Thereof and the Enterprises Responsible for Recycling, Clearance and Disposal (物品或其包裝容器及其應負回收清除處理責任之業者範圍) to expand the scope of regulated secondary lithium batteries for the inclusion of these batteries in the resource recycling system.

The batteries used in electric vehicles are mostly secondary lithium batteries assembled from single cells weighing less than 1 kilogram, which fall under the scope of waste dry batteries that the EPA has announced should be recycled. The EPA has established a complete recycling and processing system with subsidy mechanisms for these batteries. After the recycling companies properly process waste batteries and pass audit and certification, they can receive subsidies. Currently, there are six waste dry battery processing organizations that receive subsidies.

Regarding the issue of net-zero transition, various sectors are highly involved and committed to developing new energy sources. Some developing electric vehicles and energy storage systems rely on secondary lithium batteries with single cells weighing over 1 kilogram as an energy source. To plan for the inclusion of these batteries in the high-value circular systems promoted by the "Zero Waste through Resource Circulation” strategy, the EPA intends to announce secondary lithium batteries with single cells weighing over 1 kilogram as items that should be recycled. After the announcement of the amendment, manufacturers or importers of secondary lithium batteries with single cells weighing over 1 kilogram or those who install them in items such as electric vehicles should register as responsible enterprises, and report and pay the recycling, clearance and disposal fees. This will help to jointly operate and develop the domestic battery recycling industry chain, and contribute to a better environment and Taiwan’s net-zero transition by 2050.

Excerpt from Major Environmental Policies, May 2023

Ministry of Environment