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General Environmental Data

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No Title PublshDate Download DownloadHits
16-1 Review of EIS and Draft EIA Reports2024-07-09 PDF 8
26-2 Public Nuisance Petition Cases2024-07-09 PDF 5
36-3 Pollution Inspections and Penalties by EPBs2024-07-09 PDF 6
46-4 Environmental Analysis Conducted by EP Agencies2024-07-09 PDF 5
56-5 Operations of Environmental Analysis Organizations2024-07-09 PDF 6
66-6 Number of Authorized Certificates for Environmental Professionals2024-07-09 PDF 7
76-7 Budget of Environmental Protection Agencies2024-07-09 PDF 6
86-8 Workforce of Environmental Protection Agencies2024-07-09 PDF 6
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