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Southern Center of Environmental Management

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Platform for Cloud-based Intelligent Inspection and Early Warning System of Air Pollution in the Southern Region

The Southern Center of Environmental Management Administration collaborates with counties and cities to establish a "Regional Governance Platform for Cloud-based Intelligent Inspection and Early Warning System of Air Pollution in the Southern Region" for air pollution control based on two main pillars "Routine Control" and "Air Pollution Response". For "Routine Control", we combine intelligent and systematic analysis of air pollution data such as stack's smoke images, air pollution Internet of Things, and air pollution operating parameters. The real-time early warning is effectively adopted and potential high-pollution hot spots are obtained. For "Air Pollution Response", we utilize air pollution forecasting models, air pollution web, and air pollutant monitoring data to predict future hotspots of air pollution deterioration, so as to strengthen air pollution response in hotspots and initiate air pollution reduction in up-wind counties and cities in advance.

Regional Governance Platform for Erren River Waste Cleaning and Environmental Maintenance

In the early days, the middle reaches of the Erren River were the gathering places for domestic waste metal recycling and refining factories. The related waste metals severely polluted Erren River through processes such as crushing, panning, incineration, and acid washing. The Ministry of Environment (the former Environmental Protection Administration), the local Environmental Protection Bureau, and the Water Resource Agency have cooperated to improve the pollution situation of Erren River. Since 2009, five major waste removal operations have been carried out along the Erren River. In order to continuously maintain and improve the environment of Erren River, the Southern Center of Environmental Management cooperates with the local governments of Tainan and Kaohsiung. The EPA allocates public construction funds to support the local cleaning of waste along Erren River, thus addressing the problem across different jurisdictions.

Collaborative Platform for Sanitation Health and Dengue Fever in Southern Regions

According to the observed data from the National Mosquito-Borne Diseases Control Research Center, the winter temperature in the south is higher than in previous years. In response to the environmental health problems in the post-epidemic era, in 2023, the Southern Center of Environmental Management drafted the Dengue Fever Prevention and Control Plan by connecting Environmental Protection institutions, management units, and the public to establish partnerships. Through paying attention to environmental health, public health and education advocacy, community mobilization and environmental inspections of high-risk sites, environmental management of sites implementation, and breeding sources elimination, we aim to reduce the risk of epidemics.

Improvement of pollution potential hot spots in the southern region

The Southern Center of Environmental Management cooperates with counties and cities to establish a platform for resource sharing and mutual support among partners. This promotes improvements in potential pollution hotspots in the southern region. Through web operations such as microsensors and river water quality monitoring stations, combined with AI technology analysis and scientific instrument technology, we obtained an integrated hotspot control from both air and water aspects. This enables the implementation of integrated environmental management work, targeting to create a win-win situation for improving and maintaining the environmental quality in the southern region.

Systematic management of river water pollution sources

To improve tackle the issue of increased elevated heavy metals in river water and maintain the environmental quality of the watershed in the southern region, five core execution measures are implemented: data collection, source tracing, monitoring, inspection, and improvement. By comparison cross-referencing business declaration data with permit requirements, high-potential pollution sources are identified. We also collaborate with the Irrigation Agency, EPB (Environmental Protection Bureau), polices, and prosecutors to investigate violated suspicious businesses for illegal discharge and take technological law enforcement necessary actions to ensure compliance and improvement by the violators.

Investigation of environmental crimes in the southern region

Through collaboration between prosecutors, police, and environmental inspection authorities, joint efforts were made to investigate trans-regional and significant environmental crimes. This investigation should involve collecting and analyzing data related to environmental crimes, focusing on the five elements: identifying the perpetrators or criminal groups involved (who), understanding the reasons behind the violations (why), determining the duration of pollution incidents (when), identifying the polluted locations (where), and identifying the specific pollutants or harmful substances that pose a threat to public health (what).To achieve this, statistical analysis should be utilized to categorize different criminal methods. Additionally, remote monitoring using scientific instruments can be employed to gather factual evidence. The declared data of pollution sources should be carefully screened to uncover any illegal activities or criminal groups. These efforts are aimed at improving environmental quality.

Execution and supervision of regional environmental facility management

Although the management of general waste removal and treatment facilities falls under local jurisdiction, we are legally responsible for overseeing nationwide waste removal operations. To strengthen the management of these facilities and ensure their safety and proper utilization, a hierarchical management approach is adopted to strengthen supervision and enhance operational efficiency. This includes the implementation of review and supervision for improvement plan subsidies, as well as the inspection and supervision of sanitation department units and equipment upgrades.

Handle inspections of import and export waste notified by customs

We assist the customs in the inspection and identification of import and export waste, as well as conduct domestic flow and use tracking inspections of imported industrial materials or used products. Therefore, we prevent illegal disposal after import, and strengthen the inspection of the source of output to prevent illegal situations.

Environmental Management Administration