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Enhancing the investigation and enforcement capabilities for environmental crimes

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  • Combat environmental crimes by cross-domain alliance

    Establish a collaborative platform among the departments of prosecution, police, and environment: combining the force from environmental enforcing agencies like environment protection, prosecution, police, and tax authorities to combat environmental crimes and protect the country’s territory.

    Image 1. Joint investigation by prosecutors, police and environmental protection
    Image 1. Joint investigation by prosecutors, police and environmental protection

    Invite lead prosecutors from local prosecutor’s office of the Ministry of Justice to serve as advisors to assemble regular advisory meetings and national conference on environmental enforcement, exchanging experiences in enforcement against environmental crimes and formulating enforcing strategies against environmental crimes.

    Image 2. National conference on environmental enforcement
    Image 2. National conference on environmental enforcement
  • Cross-domain Exchange to Improve Enforcement Skills

    Introduce specialized techniques and talents (including environmental engineers, lawyers, and accountants) to provide advice on environmental crime enforcement, analyze in the foci on case investigation and assist in the calculation of illegal benefits. Hold technical exchange meetings to enhance the techniques of pollution investigation and the capability of interdisciplinary cooperation.

  • Effective Evidence Collection to Improve Enforcement Efficiency

    Environmental crime techniques and types of cases are becoming increasingly complex. Effective employment of technological tools for environmental enforcement to conduct surveillance from the air, on waters, and on land to assist in evidence collection not only allows keeping updated the latest environmental condition at any time but also saves human power and time of investigation, and will further serve as important evidence in the investigation of environmental crimes, increasing efficiency in enforcement and preventing accumulated environmental pollution.

    Image 3. Demonstrates time capsules
    Image 3. Demonstrates time capsules
Environmental Management Administration