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Regulation Revisions Preannounced for Certification and Management of Environmental Education Personnel

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The Regulations Governing the Certification and Management of Environmental Education Personnel (環境教育人員認證及管理辦法) were first announced 12 years ago. In order to enhance operational efficiency and adapt to current circumstances, the EPA has preannounced amendments of certain articles. Besides streamlining the certification review process, the revisions change the required accumulated hours of extended environmental education training to a minimum of 15 hours, including at least three hours of training on relevant laws and policies.

First announced on 22 June 2021, the Regulations Governing the Certification and Management of Environmental Education Personnel were later revised on 17 October 2013 and 14 April 2022. The current revisions have been drafted by the EPA to encourage continuous public participation in environmental education and also to simplify administrative procedures for personnel certification and management.

The EPA welcomes comments and suggestions from all fields. Below are the key points of the revisions:

1. Amendment to Article 13:  Simplifies the certification review process and expedites verification procedures

2. Amendment to Article 15:  Amends the accumulated hours for extended training on environmental education to be at least 15 hours, including a minimum of 3 hours of training on relevant laws or policies

3. Amendment to Article 15-1 and Article 17:  Adds and revises requirements concerning environmental education personnel assigned to environmental education institutes and facilities in accordance with the law, as well as designated personnel in schools under Article 18, paragraph 1 of the Environmental Education Act (環境教育法); Adds and revises reasons for the cessation of certification for those who have neither attended training nor applied to postpone training.

Excerpt from Major Environmental Policies, April 2023

Ministry of Environment