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Governments Utilize Technology to Curb Illegal Dumping along Lanyu Coast

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The central and local governments are taking joint actions to reduce waste dumping on coasts, starting with demonstration projects in small areas such as offshore islands. Recently, the EPA, the Coast Guard Administration, the Lanyu Township Office and the Environmental Protection Bureau and Police Bureau of Taitung County conducted an investigation into marine waste issues in Lanyu Township and jointly carried out coastal environmental inspections. These actions demonstrated the determination to utilize the latest technology to enhance environmental law enforcement capabilities, and to engage in collaborative investigations.

Coastal environmental hygiene is closely tied to marine ecology, and indiscriminate dumping of waste along the coast can cause severe damage to marine habitats. If such dumping practices are not immediately deterred and regulated, they may lead to further cases of dumping. The central government is working together with local governments, starting with the Lanyu Township Office, to strengthen education and awareness among local residents and tourists regarding proper waste sorting and clearance. Beach cleaning activities are also being organized to enhance public environmental awareness.

To curb illegal dumping activities, the EPA, together with personnel from the Environmental Protection Bureau and Police Bureau of Taitung County and the Coast Guard Administration, have conducted joint coastal environmental inspections along the Dongqing coast of Lanyu Township. The inspection sites have been progressively cleared, with no perpetrators or new waste found. The EPA stated that it will encourage the use of technology, such as infrared cameras, and assist the Taitung County Environmental Protection Bureau and the Lanyu Township Office in establishing monitoring facilities. By integrating AI (Artificial Intelligence) and cloud technology, remote-controlled cameras can be used to continuously monitor dumping hotspots and promptly track the perpetrators, thereby achieving the goal of environmental protection.

The EPA reiterated its call for compliance with Article 27 and Article 50 of the Waste Disposal Act (廢棄物清理法). Those who illegally dump waste may be subject to fines ranging from at least NT$1,200 to a maximum of NT$6,000. If the required improvements are not completed within the specified period, daily penalties may be imposed continuously. The EPA hopes that everyone will jointly enhance their responsibility for environmental protection.

Excerpt from Major Environmental Policies, May 2023

Ministry of Environment