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Volunteers Recognized for Environmental Efforts

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On 29 October, the National Environmental Protection Volunteer Heroes Convention was held by the MOENV and Tainan City Government in Chia Nan University of Pharmacy & Science. Besides attending the event to cheer on the participants, Premier Chen Chian-jen, MOENV Minister Shieu Fuh-sheng, and Tainan Mayor Huang Wei-che also presented awards to outstanding teams in various competitions as well as 38 excellent environmental education volunteers selected by each county and city.

This event brought together nearly 2,000 environmental volunteers from 22 counties and cities. Selected through preliminary contests in their respective regions, all participants dedicated their best efforts to compete for glory on behalf of their counties or cities. The competition this year featured four categories -- Environmental Mastermind, Recyclable Sorting Champion, Slam Dunk Recycler, and Environmental Defender -- combining elements of intellect, entertainment, and teamwork. The competition was designed to be both educational and entertaining.

MOENV Minister Shieu mentioned that, in response to global climate change, on 22 August this year the former EPA went through restructuring and became the MOENV, which now has higher goals and shoulders great responsibilities. In light of this, he expressed gratitude to the volunteers for their continuous participation and oversight on government authorities’ initiatives related to environmental protection, education, and care. It is because of their dedicated efforts that various environmental tasks can be carried out smoothly and that Taiwan has become a more beautiful homestead. Minister Shieu also thanked the Tainan City Government for its full support in co- organizing this event, which served as a platform for volunteers from various counties and cities to exchange knowledge and enhance their environmental awareness.

At the closing ceremony, Premier Chen presented awards to 38 outstanding environmental education volunteers. In his speech, he emphasized the urgency of environmental protection on a global scale and Taiwan’s goal to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050 through four major transitions: energy, industry, lifestyle, and society. Volunteers nationwide play a crucial role in promoting a green and sustainable lifestyle, and their active participation in environmental protection efforts is highly appreciated and respected.

At the end of the event, Premier Chen passed the convention flag to Deputy County Commissioner Yan Hsin-chang of Hualien County, which will host the event next year. Through this symbolic transferring of the environmental spirit, the organizers look forward to reuniting in Hualien County in 2024.

Excerpt from Major Environmental Policies, November 2023
Ministry of Environment