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Qiaotou Science Park Enters Second Phase EIA

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The EPA recently announced that the development project of the Qiaotou Science Park is to undergo the second phase of environmental impact assessment (EIA). The planned Qiaotou Science Park, located adjacent to the Chishan Fault and Gunshueiping Mud Volcano, is part of the Kaohsiung Urban Plan. The EPA has determined that the project could have “significant adverse impact on environmental resources and special environmental characteristics” and might “cause local environmental conditions to exceed environmental standards or the carrying capacity of the local environment”. Hence, after careful evaluation of the gathered opinions from the EIA review committee, experts, scholars, and other quarters, the EPA has decided that the project is subject to the second phase of EIA.

The following is the list of information to be covered in the EIA report for the second phase of review:

1. The developers are required to submit a detailed report on the estimation of water and energy consumption and emissions of various types of pollutants (including air pollutants, wastewater and other wastes) based on the type and characteristics of the industries to be introduced. Based on the estimation, the developers should then estimate the amount of hazardous substances that would be released by the science park during the operation, conduct a health risk assessment, and formulate total quantity control and other relevant environmental management plans.

2. The developers are to assess the potential impacts on air quality during the construction and operation periods and devise air pollutant reduction and monitoring measures accordingly. The calculation method and control strategies for greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and the achievable ratio of renewable energy use and implementation plans thereof should also be reported to the EPA.

3. The report should cover water sourcing plans, the feasibility of increasing the wastewater recycling rate, wastewater treatment processes, and potential impacts of wastewater discharge on Dianbao River. In addition, the developers should also come up with a thorough plan on the recycling and reuse of wastewater.

4. The developers are to assess the impacts of the waste that would be generated by the science park on current waste treatment capacity, set waste recycling goals and devise plans to install treatment facilities. Information on construction spoil calculation methods, planned temporary storage of the construction materials and other related environmental protection measures should also be covered. 

5. The developers are to submit an assessment report on the impacts of the development activities towards neighboring drainage systems and on the risk of flooding. The report should also include the planning of drainage and flood detention systems, the impacts of climate extremes, as well as adaptation measures and emergency response plans.

6. The developers should investigate the environmental characteristics of the Chishan Fault and Gunshueiping Mud Volcano, and perform seismic hazard and soil liquefaction assessments for the area.

7. The developers are to strengthen investigation of ecosystems around the area and formulate conservation strategies and compensation measures for protected species.

8. The report should include planning for parking services and facilities and traffic improvements (including public transportation and shuttle services when operational) based on the estimated traffic volume during both construction and operation periods.

9. The developers are required to conduct polls of residents near and within the planned park location and to explain how the project can affect the residents’ movement and other aspects of life.

Excerpt from Environmental Policy Monthly, 23 (3)

Ministry of Environment