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Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation

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(1) Explanation meetings were held on 9, 20 and 21 April on the operation of the Soil and Groundwater Information Management System – Site Procedure Control System. A total of 60 people attended the meetings to familiarize local environmental bureaus with the operation of soil and groundwater-related systems. Items on the agenda included: site procedure control systems, particular application functions, alert functions, common site cases, 2021 performance evaluation systems, hands-on exercises, and exchange and discussions. The meetings were designed to enhance the administrative efficiency of soil and groundwater-related tasks. 

(2) An explanation meeting was held on 26 April on oil product identification technology exchange and promotion of gasoline source-tracking analysis methods. Local environmental bureaus, analysis organizations, and technology consultants were invited to attend. One hundred sixteen people participated in the meeting, which promoted the achievements and emphasized the importance of developing oil product identification technologies. These technologies have been applied at domestic sites polluted by oil products to help with source-tracking and policy-making, enhancing pollution investigation and efficiency of remediation. 

Excerpt from Major Environmental Policies, Apr 2021

Ministry of Environment