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Opinions Collected on Draft Climate Adaptation Plans

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The EPA and various government agencies have collaborated on the developing of the draft for the third phase of the National Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan (國家氣候變遷調適行動計畫). The purpose is to address the ongoing severe challenges posed by climate change. The draft focuses on eight key areas, including essential infrastructure, water resources, land use, coastal and marine environments, energy supply and industries, agricultural production and biodiversity, and health and capacity building. It encompasses 125 action plans aimed at enhancing adaptation capacity via scientific approaches and bases.


The World Meteorological Organization has reported that the global daily average temperature has broken records by 3°C since July, with an average temperature reaching 17.23°C. This is estimated to be the highest temperature seen on Earth in the past 100,000 years. Furthermore, on 16 July, the Xinjiang region of China recorded an astonishing temperature of 52.2°C.


The climate change issues in Taiwan that require close attention are high temperatures, drought, and extreme rainfall. The National Science Council has published a report with excerpts of scientific points from the International Panel on Climate Change Sixth Assessment Report (IPCC WR16) and the updated analysis of climate change in Taiwan. According to the report, the annual average temperature in Taiwan has risen by approximately 1.6°C over the past century. In the last 60 years, there has been a noticeable increase in the occurrence of dry years, and both the intensity and frequency of heavy rainfall events have shown significant upward trends. Competent government authorities for the relevant fields have all proposed various strategies to mitigate potential future impacts. These strategies include enhancing environmental adaptation capabilities, strengthening resilience among vulnerable populations, introducing diverse mitigation strategies in urban and rural areas, and enhancing the water resource management system.


In 2022, the third phase of the National Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan was drafted by the EPA in collaboration with the Ministry of the Interior and 15 other government agencies. The collaboration involved a review of past mitigation efforts and took into account the latest domestic and international scientific information on climate change. The plan incorporates provisions and concepts within the special chapter on adaptation under the Climate Change Response Act (氣候變遷因應法), such as establishing regular national mitigation measures, baseline national adaptation scenarios, integration of climate risk factors into the mitigation framework, and building adaptation capacity. A platform covering different fields is to be set up to enhance coordination and integration across government agencies and sectors, and the plan also facilitates a nature-based approach to adaptation action plans.


The EPA conducted public hearings in Kaohsiung and Taichung on 14 and 17 July, respectively. These hearings served as a platform for gathering input from scholars, experts, civic organizations, and various other stakeholders. What was gathered during this process of information disclosure and communication will serve as references for the action plans future revisions. Additionally, proposals for various schemes under the draft action plan are available to the public online on the Taiwan Adaptation Platform (, which is actively collecting feedback and opinions.

Excerpt from Major Environmental Policies, July 2023
Ministry of Environment