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International Cooperation in Environmental Protection

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Taiwan's Participation in International Environmental Affairs

Taking stock of the strengths and weaknesses in the field of environmental protection across various nations worldwide, there exist valuable insights and references for Taiwan's environmental conservation efforts. The Ministry of Environment (MOENV) thus actively engages in international environmental affairs, facilitating the establishment of bilateral and multilateral cooperation with other countries. Through avenues such as personnel exchanges, technology transfer, collaborative research, and more, the MOENV seeks to enhance the robustness of Taiwan's national environmental framework, establish comprehensive environmental regulations, transfer environmental technologies, and consequently, share our nation's experience in managing regulatory frameworks and technical expertise, and aid the expansion of our domestic environmental industry into overseas markets.

Taiwan-US Collaboration and the IEP

In 1993, the Taiwan Ministry of Environment (then the Environmental Protection Administration, or EPA) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) signed the Taiwan-U.S. Environmental Protection Technical Cooperation Agreement.
Under the agreement, Implementing Arrangements for cooperation projects are planned every two to three years. During the early phase of the collaboration, cooperation projects mainly focused on capacity building for Taiwan. However, in more recent years, bilateral cooperation has shifted to the establishment of regional or global environmental protection capacity by sharing Taiwan's experiences with the global community. Today, the Taiwan-U.S. collaboration has grown into a 30-year strong partnership between the two countries.

Since 2014, our nation has collaborated with the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to drive the International Environmental Partnership (IEP), establishing an international platform for the exchange of environmental management practices and green technology. Over the years, we have organized more than 120 activities, with participation from environmental institutions and organizations from over 70 countries across six continents, involving more than 900 foreign officials, experts, and scholars. These activities have taken place in countries such as the United States, Japan, Vietnam, the Philippines, Thailand, and Malaysia. The IEP has advanced specific project initiatives, including the Asia-Pacific Mercury Monitoring Network (APMMN), the Global Environmental Education Partnership (GEEP), and the International E-waste Management Network (IEMN), accumulating and building upon Taiwan's experience and capabilities in regional environmental services and exchanges, and gradually earning recognition from the international community.

The 30th anniversary of Taiwan-U.S. environmental cooperation

          The 30th anniversary of Taiwan-U.S. environmental cooperation

In 2022, during the COVID-19 pandemic, efforts persisted through virtual and hybrid conference formats to continue propelling the IEP and bilateral environmental cooperation. These endeavors encompassed various initiatives, including regional video conferences for the International E-waste Management Network (IEMN), expansion of monitoring points within the Asia-Pacific Mercury Monitoring Network (APMMN), and technical case exchanges related to soil and water technologies.

To commemorate the 30th anniversary of Taiwan-U.S. environmental cooperation in 2023, the MOENV organized a celebration event that brought U.S. EPA Assistant Administrator Jane Nishida to Taiwan to witness the inauguration of the MOENV, restructured from the EPA. Government agencies, implementation partners, and representatives of partner countries in Taiwan were invited to take part in the celebration, which featured a 30th anniversary video and an exhibition of significant milestones and achievements in Taiwan-U.S. collaboration. The exhibition showcased how Taiwan has evolved during the collaboration, transforming from a learner to a sharer of environmental technology and achievements. Lastly, the event highlighted the efforts and important networks that have been created to expand regional and international environmental exchanges as bilateral cooperation has deepened, demonstrating how the Taiwan-U.S. friendship has contributed to joint efforts to build regional environmental protection capacity and improve environmental quality.

Taiwan-Israel Collaboration

In 2013, Taiwan and Israel signed a Memorandum of Understanding on Environmental Protection. In 2023, a delegation from the MOENV traveled to Israel to conduct a technical study on low-carbon and sustainable urban governance, and to exchange information on the promotion of public-private sector environmental governance in the areas of climate change adaptation, soil and water conservation and water resources, smart cities, and resource recycling. Senior officials from the environmental departments of both sides also held a bilateral video conference in September of the same year to promote future cooperation in areas concerning climate change and resource recycling.

Taiwan-Japan Cooperation

In the year 2019, a memorandum of understanding was signed between the Taiwan-Japan Relations Association and the Public Welfare Foundation Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association, facilitating collaboration in environmental protection. The scope of cooperation spans domains such as environmental education, environmental impact assessment, air quality control and monitoring, marine pollution prevention and control, waste management (including resource recycling), and climate change mitigation and adaptation. As part of this engagement, periodic "Taiwan-Japan Environmental Meetings" are convened, alternating between the two sides, enhancing the exchange of information, experiences, and perspectives. In September 2022, the 10th Taiwan-Japan Environmental Meeting was hosted virtually by the Ministry of the Environment of Japan, facilitating discussions on topics including "climate change mitigation and adaptation", "plastic resource cycling", "eco-friendly design and full recycling of motor vehicles", and "mercury management strategies and implementation".

Cooperation with Europe

Since 2020, the Taiwan EPA has been sending representatives to participate in the European Commission's "National Expert Professional Training Program." To date, we have had five members officially recognized by the European side. Through this program, we gain practical insights into the policies and operational methods of the European Commission, align our environmental protection policies with international standards, enhance our environmental expertise, and deepen the cooperative relationship between Taiwan and the European Union.

New Southbound Policy Countries

In September of 2021, the Executive Yuan approved the "Globalization Promotion Plan for the Engineering Industry (Policy White Paper) Phase 3," with our department responsible for overseas expansion of the environmental protection industry. In support of the pursuit of overseas opportunities and market expansion by members of Taiwan's environmental industry, starting from 2022, the Taiwan EPA has been organizing visits and exchanges for the environmental protection industry in New Southbound Policy countries. We extend invitations to key personnel from Southbound countries stationed in Taiwan and to students studying relevant environmental disciplines from Southbound countries to see Taiwan's domestic environmental protection industry. This initiative aims to promote our nation's competitive environmental technologies and facilitate exchanges between our environmental industry and Southbound countries. Additionally, we hold seminars for the environmental industry to provide information on potential talents from Southbound countries and assist industry players in understanding subsidies for venturing into Southbound markets. This effort is designed to encourage more overseas expansion among the industry. These seminars furthermore offer insights into the current market conditions in Southeast Asia and South Asia. By sharing the experiences of industry players who have successfully established a presence in these markets, we enhance bilateral exchanges and opportunities for expanding overseas markets.

Pacific Countries

In order to deepen cooperation on environmental protection in the Pacific Islands, the MOENV collaborated with the International Cooperation and Development Foundation (ICDF) and hosted the 2023 Workshop on Waste Management. The workshop comprised a three-day course focusing on marine waste management, with speakers from the Taiwan Ocean Conservation Administration (OCA) and the U.S. EPA. Workshop participants included government officials and private sector members from the Pacific Islands, Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Africa, and South America. Furthermore in 2023, the MOENV participated in the Pacific Islands Environmental Conference held in Palau, where it shared many achievements of the IEP (e.g., the Asia-Pacific Mercury Monitoring Network, the International E-waste Management Network) in order to promote expansion of environmental exchanges with the Pacific islands, and encourage environmental protection in accordance with UN SDG 17 (establishing multilateral partnerships and promote a vision of sustainability).

2023 Workshop on Waste Management with ICDF

              2023 Workshop on Waste Management with ICDF

Other International Organizations

At the same time, the Taiwan EPA actively engages in environmental protection-related affairs within the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), the World Trade Organization (WTO), and other international organizations. By staying informed about global environmental trends, we proactively formulate responsive strategies, fulfilling our responsibility and commitment as a member of the global community.

Ministry of Environment