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River Pollution Reduction

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River pollution can come from either natural or anthropogenic sources. Natural sources refer to sediments or organic matter from rooftops, streets, hills, and canals carried by runoff from heavy rainfall. Anthropogenic sources are derived from human activities and development and is mainly categorized into domestic wastewater, industrial wastewater, and wastewater from animal farming.

Before implementing river pollution reduction measures, it is essential to collect and investigate environmental data, as well as to conduct a thorough assessment of pollution sources and quantify the data. Specific strategies need to be devised for different pollution sources, including measures such as sewage system connections, on-site treatment, intercepting facilities, industrial inspections and regulations, pollution reduction at the source, pollution volume control, and livestock excrements resource treatment, etc.

Furthermore, the competent authority will determine the required reduction in total pollution volume based on the current status of river pollution, and assess the potential reduction of each measure to formulate a scope and timeline for implementation. Once a remediation strategy has been formed, water quality modeling will simulate the expected improvement in water quality after measures are implemented. Continuous revisions are made in the process, with regular discussions on the progress of implementation to effectively reduce river pollution.

Ministry of Environment