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Central Center of Environmental Management

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Smart Regional Environmental Governance

Intelligent Inspection and Technological Enforcement

By utilizing big data and cross-referencing analysis of high-risk industries, abnormal information can be identified, allowing for the identification of hotspots. Subsequently, with the support of technological tools, enforcement actions can be conducted to effectively curb pollutant emissions and improper waste disposal. Continuous efforts are made to strengthen collaboration and cooperation with county and city environmental protection bureaus, as well as law enforcement, police, procsecutors offices and investigative authorities. Additionally, the involvement of civil society groups is leveraged to consolidate resources and establish a regional joint defense system, ensuring the effective prevention of any unlawful environmental pollution activities and safeguarding environmental quality.

Self-Management by the Industry and Compliance with the Law

Encourage enterprises to strengthen self-management and jointly become good partners in protecting the environment.

Regional Governance Platform for Oder Cases in Central Region

According to the data from the " Public Nuisance Petition System", the number of odor pollution petition cases in the Central Region has been the highest among all types of pollution petition cases in the past three years. Since 2023, the Central Center of Environmental Management has been planning an inspection and improvement program for odor pollution petition cases. The program involves the assistance of experts and scholars and comprehensive inspections of pollution sources to help businesses voluntarily improve pollution issues, reduce odor pollution petition cases, and enhance public satisfaction with the environmental protection authorities' policies and governance.

Regional Governance Platform for Tracing the Pollution Sources of Major Rivers and Water Pollution Permit Inspection in Central Region

To continuously improve the water quality of key rivers in central counties and cities and reduce agricultural land pollution, the concept of regional watershed governance is given priority, which involves cross-domain integration of the capabilities of local environmental protection bureaus to reduce regional pollution incidents and mitigate the impact of key pollutants. Additionally, the compliance and rationality of water permits are being strengthened. Through on-site inspections and a comparison of permit contents, businesses are required to operate in accordance with the permit conditions, and the quality of permit reviews by local governments is enhanced, thereby achieving the goal of source control.

Contact Platform for Self-Management of illegal dumping on Public Land in Central Region

In order to strengthen the concept of regional environmental governance and expand self-management actions, the Central Center of Environmental Management enhances the horizontal connection between land management agencies and law enforcement agencies. We discuss relevant preventive countermeasures and self-management measures, with a view to assisting various agencies in fulfilling their territorial rights and responsibilities through the platform. By strengthening the management and control of owned land, we could prevent public land from being abandoned.

Regional Governance Platform for Air Pollution Inspection Practice Exchange in Central Region

By utilizing technological tools and conducting background investigations, the central region carries out intelligent analysis of air quality using big data. High-pollution risk areas and high-risk industries are screened, and the rationality of their environmental permits is analyzed. Thorough inspections are conducted on suspicious businesses. Through practical exchanges such as environmental permit inspection seminars and communication with the Environmental Protection Bureaus in Central Region, inspection cases are shared, and specific industries are systematically inspected to implement regional governance and improve air quality in the central region.

Ministry of Environment