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Enterprise and Industrial Wastewater

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Article 2 Subparagraph 7 of the Water Pollution Control Act (WPC Act) defines "enterprise" and mandates the establishment of the Classification and Definition of Water Pollution Prevention and Control Law. Enterprises included under both regulations are subject to water pollution control regulations (considered regulatory entities).

The Ministry of the Environment (MOENV) established The Enterprises and Sewage System Wasterwater Management System. The system allows enterprises to apply for permits and test reporting, and allows the environmental protection authorities to process permit applications, as well as review and manage testing data. Nationwide investigations can also be found on the system.

The Water Quality Protection Geographic Information System consolidates information on pollution sources, transmission pathways, and relationships between water quality receptors in the environment. The system visualizes the water quality of river basins through spatial analysis, which helps in pollution source management, pollution traceability management, as well as overall management of water quality in basins.

MOENV also employs scientific instruments, using UAVs to monitor river water quality or pollution in real time, including the illegally discharge wastewater from factories, etc. The Environmental Management Adminstration (EMA) regularly conducts aerial surveillance to deter dishonest conduct from businesses.

Ministry of Environment