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Management of Waste Incineration Plant Operation

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Since 1991, Taiwan has been promoting the construction of waste resource recovery (incineration) plants, starting with the initiative of the Executive Yuan. Currently, there are a total of 25 large-scale waste incineration plants in operation. Among them, 5 plants are publicly owned and operated (3 in Taipei City and 2 in Kaohsiung City), 3 plants are privately owned and operated (Taoyuan City, Taichung City's Wurih Incineration Plant, and Miaoli County), and the remaining 17 plants are publicly owned but privately operated (including Taitung County's refurbished incineration plant).

Image 1. Construction photo of Lize Plant in the 2000s.
Image 1. Construction photo of Lize Plant in the 2000s.
Image 2. Aerial photos of Lize Plant in Yilan County.
Image 2. Aerial photos of Lize Plant in Yilan County.

To effectively supervise and manage the operation of the incineration plants, the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) has been conducting inspection and evaluation work since 2001. As the operational performance of the plants has become more stable, the inspection work has shifted from guidance to evaluation. Every year, the central competent authority supervises the environmental protection bureaus and incineration plants, and commissions experts and scholars to conduct irregular inspections at the plants. This ensures that each environmental protection bureau can effectively supervise and each incineration plant can improve its operational performance, aiming to enhance the management and service performance of the incineration plants and establish a new image for environmental protection facilities.

Image 3. Annual maintenance status of the incineration plant (grate maintenance).
Image 3. Annual maintenance status of the incineration plant (grate maintenance).
Image 4. Overview of expert and scholar inspections at the incineration plant (central control room).
Image 4. Overview of expert and scholar inspections at the incineration plant (central control room).

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Ministry of Environment