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Developing a National Geographic Information System

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The National Development Council has been working to establish a new phase of cross-agency national geographic information promotion mechanism (NGIS 2.0). In December of 2020, the council invited representatives from various government agencies (including our department), experts, scholars, and industry representatives to exchange ideas on the current status and challenges of promoting the national geographic information system. Development strategies were discussed, and in January 2021, the "National Geographic Information Strategy Promotion Task Force" (hereinafter referred to as the Task Force) was formed. The Task Force is structured with three levels: member meetings, working meetings, and sub-group meetings (including the National Base Map Sub-group, NGIS Standards Sub-group, and Smart Homeland Sub-group). Our department is a member of this Task Force, and besides contributing to the development strategy for the national geographic information system, our tasks also include the following:

  • Facilitating collaboration and resource sharing between the supply and demand sides, enhancing the connection between the development and application ends, and providing one-stop NGIS services.
  • Establishing shared regulations for spatial data standards, NGIS circulation, and service application programming interfaces to ensure that different agencies can overlay and apply NGIS information seamlessly.

The NGIS 2.0 national geographic information promotion mechanism mentioned above also allows our department to engage in cross-agency communication, coordination, and cross-domain cooperation.

Ministry of Environment