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Air Quality Management

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  • A. Current status of air quality

    The 2022 statistics for Taiwan's Air Quality Index (AQI) show that the percentage of days with AQI>100 (indicating substandard air quality) was 6.4%, while the percentage of days with "good air quality" was 59.6%. Before air pollution control fees were levied in 1994, the percentage of days with PSI (Pollutant Standards Index) >100 was 7.0%. Since December 2016, the new air quality index (AQI) has been in use, while use of the original PSI was ceased in 2017. In 2014, PM2.5 manual stations were deployed, the statistics for which show the percentage of station days with AQI>100 has decreased from 26.2% in 2014 to 6.4% in 2022. These figures clearly indicate that the nation's air quality in recent years has been greatly improved and that efforts to control air pollution have paid off.

    Figure. AQI and PSI trends in Taiwan over the years
    Figure. AQI and PSI trends in Taiwan over the years
  • B. Air quality management measures

    Overview of the first National Air Pollution Improvement Implementation Plan

    The first National Air Pollution Improvement Implementation Plan has been approved by the Executive Yuan in May 22, 2020, and implementation period is from 2020 to 2023. The control measures are divided into four aspects (stationary sources, fugitive sources, mobile sources, and general management and research), with a total of 27 control measures to impel the reduction of primary particulate matters (PM10 and PM2.5), SOx, NOx, and VOCs. In the Plan, a total of nine control measures are proposed for Aspect 1 (stationary sources), focusing on pollution control of major industries. For Aspect 2 (fugitive sources), six control measures are proposed, focusing on the control of dust and odor. A total of six control measures are proposed for Aspect 3 (mobile sources), pollution control of on-road vehicles and non-road mobile sources (construction equipment, ships, aircraft, etc.) are included. In the Aspect 4 (general management and research), six control measures are proposed, including environmental education and technology research.

Ministry of Environment