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Air Quality Purification Zone

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Clean Air Zones is a program aimed at improving air quality, enhancing the quality of living environment, raising awareness of ecological and environmental protection, and achieving sustainable use of natural resources. Within clean air zones, vegetation and beautification are enhanced and bike lanes and other greening facilities or landscapes are installed.

Current status

From 1995 to 2022, the total green area is 1,765 (ha), covering all counties and cities in Taiwan. These sites include environmental parks 202 (ha), bare land greenery 898(ha), green boulevards 388 (ha), metropolitan area bike paths 293 (km), campus dust pollution improvement areas 205 (ha), waste disposal greening and restoration of contaminated sites 277 (ha).

In recent years, international and MOENV studies have shown that green walls can effectively provide cleaner air and better thermal insulation. As a result, starting in 2019, the Environmental Protection Administration began providing grants to public schools, clean air zone programs, and nonprofits to install green walls.

Between 2019 and 2022, 202 green walls were added, with 6,245 m2.

For more information, please refer to the Air Quality Protection Web.

Ministry of Environment